Mex in glob

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 7---Stage design Critiques

Critique 2---Gravity bootcamp

The information given for the stage of this game is a sphere dome with tiled white plastic-like material. The color scheme is somewhat like the game Portal and I'd like to see it in the actual game.

The shape of the dome, I think should not be tempered with, because it could affect the puzzle that is going to be set up within it.

If you are to keep the dome the only stage through out the game, then it is best to focus on the puzzle design.

Week 7---Stage design Critiques

Critiques 1---Saturate

So I already mention about the stage design of this game last week, even though it's still in development stage. Judging by the information and the theme given, so far I see 2 options:

1. The shape of each stage would be different, then the background can have 1 color, and color of stage parts can be vary.

It looks easier, A little heavier on the artistic part since it's more towards stage design.

2. The color of background can be really colorful, but the enemy unit has to be programed to be saturated at certain area of color.

This one may be harder and difficult in programing. But it has more potential and more elaboration in building features.